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Get a Grip on Your Grammar is a grammar book for those who hate grammar books, a writing resource filled with quick answers and a playful style―not endless, indecipherable grammar jargon. Designed for student, business, and creative-writing audiences alike, its easily digestible, occasionally witty writing tips will finally teach you:Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins. Gripp is de vriendelijke alles-in-1 Business Software voor Bureaus en Dienstverleners met ambitie. Probeer Gripp 14 dagen helemaal gratis. Get a Grip on Your Grammar: Writing and Editing Reminders for the Curious or Confused by Kris Spisak Contact: Career Press, , Just as we should think before we speak, we need to think before we write. Most of us are not poets or novelists, but we are all writers. We email, text, and post; we craft memos and.

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